So I've officially got the sewing bug back, and this weekend I was driven to turn it on to my existing wardrobe and brighten up a few items. First under the pressafoot: black, flared jumper from H&M.
It's a flattering item, it's plain black and it's fitted nicely around the bust and arms, and then flares out flatteringly as it goes down your torso.
The picture above is of a top with the button design down the back of the top, and I love it, and I wish all my tops looked like this!! So here's what I did to the jumper:
1) I cut (bravely) up the centre of the back of the top, and then pinned it back together so the seams overlapped, as if like a cardigan.
2) I used the sewing machine to sew down the seam leaving a 1cm gap.
3) I picked up about 12-14 buttons that were of a similar size but contrasting/complimenting colours to put on.
4) Sewed on the buttons...
And I was left with this:
How do you edit/update your old gladrags??
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