Thursday, 1 March 2012

Bettering A Bargain...

So today I'm extremely pleased with myself. It started when Tom went to work and I wondered what the Hell I was going to do with my afternoon and evening, as I have little money and no motivation to do something constructive like going to the gym, for example.
I took myself off to Tescos, originally intending to buy myself some fish for dinner, but of course I got distracted by the MASSIVE 'Sale' wall of women's clothing!! And to my utter delight there were some really lovely items in there that are still of the moment fashion-wise. I picked up a flowery tea-dress for £5 and a two-tone pink and coral light jumper for... wait for it... another £5!! £10 for two really lovely items of clothing!

But... once I got home I looked closer at the tea dress in my own mirror, and began thinking 'it neeeeeds something...' 
I went routing through my sewing basket and remembered I have some black lace that Tom's Nana gave to me. I then bravely ironed the hem of the dress up about 2 and 1/2 inches, and then borrowed my landlady's sewing machine to hem it up. I attached the lace with pins, then sewed it on. It's not totally straight, but you wouldn't really know unless you looked up close...
 Excited, I put it on and thought, 'Better, better...' but it still needed adjusting. It has rather unflattering sleeves - they're quite puffy and just a cm or two too long and do nothing for my arm shape. Returning to the living room, the off-cuts of lace that I cut off the spare hem lay infront of me, and I simply tied on a bit under the arms and out through the neckline. It instantly changed the shape of the sleeves and the neck line, and opened it out so it looks a lot more flattering, and the sleeves now have a structure to them...
 The nice thing about the lace around the sleeves is I haven't sewn it into place, and if I ever find another piece of ribbon, or velvet or something, I can easily change it, maybe so it matches a pair of shoes? I teamed the whole thing up with a leather wrap, studded belt...

Et voila!! I have no occasion to wear this to this coming weekend, but I am open to offers?!

Take care for now,
BB xxx

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