Tuesday, 18 March 2014

Curry Chickpea Loaf and other interesting snacks!

I'm thinking of starting a collection of posts called 'Unusual Loaves' series, because recently I seem to be doing a lot of baking of this shape and ilk. Very much like the lemon couscous cake recipe I posted last month, the curry and chickpea loaf is another excellent Slimming World recipe that packs in tonnes of flavor and is mega simple to make. I wouldn't like to put on here the Syns that the loaf contains, but the recipe is freely available at Slimming World meetings. It's just one that I cook even when I'm not dieting. It makes an amazing lunchbox snack, to change things up from sandwiches or salads.

Curry Chickpea Loaf
4 medium eggs
1 packet of Batchelor's Golden Vegetable rice (or the supermarket equivalent if you're on a budget!)
1 tin of chickpea dahl (I struggle to find this sometimes, it's usually available in Tescos. This is also the bit of the recipe that can have hidden Syns in if you buy a certain brand, but as stated above, if you're following SW your best bet is to ask your group leader!!)
1 tsp curry powder or similar (cumin, coriander, chilli flakes...)
1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees c. Cook the rice packet as per the instructions written. Try to cook it leaving as little of the water as possible, as otherwise it will make your loaf quite soggy!
2. Once the rice is cooked and drained, spoon into a mixing bowl and mix in the chickpea dahl and the 4 beaten eggs. Mix thoroughly.
3. Pour the mixture into a lined and greased loaf tin and place in the centre of the oven for 30 minutes, or until the top is golden and firm, and a knife comes out clean.
4. This loaf makes a great dinner hot, but you have to trust me when I say let it cool down and go cold - it tastes even better then!!
Tuck in and enjoy... Guilt-free!!
This week I also stumbled across quite a fantastic Buzzfeed page that lists 17 low fat and healthy studying snacks to try... again, as a change from junk food and sandwiches! You should go and look at the post HERE and try some out for yourselves, but I just wanted to show you what I made yesterday - Frozen Yogurt-covered Blueberries:
Quite fiddly and time-consuming to make, but they're really tasty and again makes a nice alternative to ice cream (which I can't stand!!) Kind of like really icey popcorn...?? Anyway, check out the page and see which ones tempt you off the sofa!
Have a lovely week everyone. I will be back with a clothing upcycle before the weekend, in preparation for my Hen Do on Saturday!! Yaaaay!!

Lots of love,

BB xx

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